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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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as the u.s. election campaign enters the final straight with the two rivals still in economics we will get out the race is increasingly resembling a reality show rather than a political thanks i. was looking into what brand of the shocking video which i suspect could be evidence of a war crime committed by the syrian rebels. and pressure and outside and would then the e.u. calls on britain to decide on its membership and that a squabble in the u.k. parliament over much of the country should pay the price.
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down the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshie welcome to the program well there are just four days left before the u.s. presidential election but even on the final stretch of rock obama and mitt romney remain effectively tied was neither a debates nor a devastating hurricane giving either candidate a tangible advantage questions or mounting one of the most expensive campaign in the country's history has really achieved and there is a growing feeling it was more about impressing the viewer than talking real politics as our jesus as he is sure to now explains sometimes fire is the best way to explain the blame game in full swing why didn't you call me when you're working on this thing finger pointing did make it worse mocking he even called it marvelous which is a word you don't often hear when it comes to describing a budget a tax this president's a lightweight we've all agreed that families are off limits. dogs are apparently fair game what you're seeing is them finally rising up to the level of professional
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wrestling and i say rising up to it because in pro wrestling in front of the cameras we all hate each other behind the scenes it's a business. and that's the same way it is for them it's a sham a sham largely compared to reality television survivor style started out eliminating contestants on the island and then event they have to form alliances you can call those parties and then they finally in the grand ma you have to survivors who go head to head and they and that video gets the big just the big prize the big prize for years to run the united states of america the contestants are giving it their all to win the competition the concept of a reality show we all know is supposed to be some kind of reality but but in reality it's just really made for t.v. and the presidential campaigns in the us are completely made for t.v.
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like in any major production a huge crew and big box run the game if they have people determine what a guy is going to wear what kind of haircut how much makeup you know there's a list opportunity for a lot of people to get rich from looks to comments and statements most of the election campaign and scripted. the mainstream media following the presidential campaigns eats the show right up one example i'm going to stop the subsidy to p.b.s. i'm going to stop other things i like p.b.s. i love big bird the debate the first us president will debated. on us a. million you that makes it the most successful most reality show her while fact checking leaves the building. and. record about x. . you're. spreading
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a giant welcome mat for trivialized news coverage is romney hurting obama's feelings it's obama hurting his feelings are they being cordial to each other or are they being angry look at the way obama looks up and looks down the show must go on. until the curtains are drawn presidential candidates putting on a performance to be voted into the white house a superficial media paying little attention to the actual words being said and not demanding to hear the words that should matter as the u.s. election enters its closing act and look to team and remains king and politics not much more than a circus and as they say turkana party new york. now what a presidential race bare as all the signs of a stage show there are legitimate concerns about how committed the candidates are to making their campaign statements areality u.s. national security expert gareth porter shared his views on which election promises are likely to remain nothing more of them part of a t.v.
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performance the issues of u.s. national security policy and the military i'm sorry to say that i don't believe. obama will deliver on his campaign promise specifically to ann's u.s. involvement in the war in afghanistan and the fact is the obama administration has made the decision that there will be a residual force of at least ten thousand for an indefinite period of time i think the closest romney and his running mate paul ryan have come to making a promise. is perhaps the the idea that they would somehow be more successful in putting pressure on iran to end its nuclear program but i must say that it was not made with much conviction in the campaign and in the last presidential debate romney was really more saying me too to president obama's
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policy toward iran. both candidates had their own ways dealing a was the aftermath of hurricane sandy in an attempt to break the pre-vote deadlock but with campaigning now fully back on track our resident new yorker laurie harvest has been finding out who came through in the best. new york was hit hard by hurricane sandy will it affect the way new yorkers vote or the way they look at the issues this week let's talk about that i was a county alan or sixty four and i seen every day there would just be water. water everywhere the beach was industry do you think the government has handled the storm well you know how could they have done better they could have gotten the subway running a lot quicker but you think that they have anything to do with how much water is down there and no i think they're just really slow to respond to the whole thing with the buses over here is ridiculous and it's unconstitutional that you have to
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have three people in a car i use they're going to vote on tuesday is that no then. the city could have been wiped away if the voting polls still stand i have to be there. reacted to it it seems to be. romney seem to be. able to pull their lives together yes so do you think that obama's looking better than romney right now. i think mitt romney is a much bigger natural disaster than hurricane sandy and i hope people realize that vote for obama you don't think there's anything wrong with obama i think there's plenty wrong in terms of his. foreign policy in the mideast but unfortunately he's the lesser evil the bottom line is this has been a tough time for new york city and most of us are looking forward to putting this hurricane and the election behind us.
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and i will of course continue our coverage of the u.s. elections looking at the race from different perspective perspectives plus our team is hosting a very special event this coming monday as we are exclusively bringing you the final round of the third party candidates debate live from our washington studios. will two parties keep us politics a one way street. or will new voices disrupt the power power they. wanted for america changes. with election close monday nov fifth on our team. now the un is examining a video which it says could be evidence of a war crime committed by the syrian rebels newly released online food is purportedly shows opposition fighters summarily executing capture of government troops tanso verus who are no longer believed to be competence are apparently shell
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being beaten and lined up on the ground well we won't show you what happens next but all the mat were then repeatedly shot with automatic rifles investigative journalist james corbett says it's a rare case that the tactics of the opposition forces have come under international law. the atrocities are definitely being committed by the rebel forces and and unfortunately that is being completely ignored because it serves of course the interests of the people who are backing the rebels and who are against assad to try to portray them in the best light possible so we've seen over the months numerous documents coming out from different organization including amnesty including including human rights watch documenting summary execution of prisoners torture the use of children in these conflict on the part of the rebels but that has been conveniently buried in the headlines time and time again and even some of the reports that did note some of these atrocities being committed by the rebels were
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almost always prefaced by reports of government atrocities and that was buried somewhere down halfway through the article time and time again so it is of course and if it be hypocrisy that's underlying this and it's trying to manipulate public opinion certainly in the west to to be on the floors and on the side of these rebel forces the only real plan that's on the table that right now that's feasible is the one that china just put. orthe the four point proposal for the syrian truce which also does not include a new language for assad to step down does not in court include any enforcement language which is a political long starter in washington because of course those are the two key issues that they want to make sure is part of any type of proposal so once again we see that that washington is really absolutely keen to make sure that assad stepping down as part of any proposal and i think they're not going to accept anything short of that so i think they're content to watch these atrocities and and these murders in executions and torture pile up in the name of trying to get rid of assad and
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unfortunately the only real peace plan on the table at the moment isn't even being considered seriously by washington now in bahrain or recent bound public rallies has failed to the terror protesters from taking to the streets of several towns on friday there are reports of police brutality towards the anti-government demonstrators and arrests of those documenting the attacks now this comes amid a judicial crackdown with yet another activist sentenced to six months in jail for allegedly insulting the king on twitter conk out a former lecturer at the university of oregon says it's too late for international condemnation to improve the situation in the gulf country. jail so no one for voicing their opinion by a light speed remote of expression that violates any standard of democracy around the world there is no improvement at all except that the regime has learned to play the world media like
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a violin they claim they support human rights they claim they are instituting dialogue with the opposition they claim all sorts of changes and that they are just rosy in bahrain meanwhile they could then either crack down they continue the torture they continue to daily and they continue the killings in bahrain majority overwhelming majority of the population over three quarters of the population of bahrain or add on it the royal family which has been in power now for two hundred thirty years muscly they must abdicate other was there will be no social be in bahrain and the situation we're continuing to get more chaotic. so i have for this hour here on our shocking to a healthier lifestyle we reveal one radical approach to turning people off junk food with the help of deadly diseases. like any a pharmaceutical company is shedding light on the cheap jurors ignored by the big
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money hungry corporations. the fifteen goats. to. kilograms of roaches one thousand flatbreads. but one is the bride in a bad mood. to tell the group the long. room is a done deal. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hardy welcome to the big picture.
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i'm in sochi the only city in europe i'm the host of the twenty fourteen winter the trick to. see. such. things the. dog days of. the bride days and. weeks come. see it's so true.
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welcome back you're watching our team live from moscow now the e.u. is calling on britain to make a decision on its membership as leaders to lose patients over the u.k.'s budget squabble david cameron is facing huge opposition in parliament on how much the country should pay for being part of the club he stephanie has already warned the budget crisis may leave britain out of a block laura smith explains with the cloud hanging over the houses of parliament could this be the beginning of the end of britain's membership of the european union pro europe deputy prime minister nick clegg certainly seems to fear so he's said that wednesday's rebellion by conservative m.p.'s when they voted in favor of
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cutting the budget the e.u. could leave britain eyes are isolated inside the union all out of us all together that will be music to the is of many who support leaving the e.u. the money gracin contributes has become a huge bone of contention while brussels encourages e.u. member countries to tighten their belts so it doesn't appear to be tightening its own in fact if the e.u. commission gets its way person will be forced to pay an extra one point three billion pounds next year in budget contributions on top of the eleven billion we already pay and we'd soon be handing over a staggering twenty two. thousand pounds and minutes to brussels david cameron has promised him negotiate a deal that means u.k. contributions would rise only in line with inflation but that's proven not good enough this week with rebels in his own party demanding
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a real terms cards in cash going to the e.u. there's a summit in brussels to discuss the budget towards the end of the month this could all push cameron into taking a tougher stance which could add to our new old budget negotiations with the union and eventually what nick clegg fears but many supports a slide out of the e.u. altogether. m.p. paul natal believes frustration over bills keeps growing and the majority of the british want to go it alone. the problem that you've got is not a status he doesn't exist in the european union it might exist in the member countries where but it's going to cut back on almost everything we have real estate is he out the money doesn't get money doesn't matter they spend more and more every single year the budget goes all our member states including states such as greece and portugal and ireland who wouldn't serious trouble will be asked to put their hands in their pockets and give multiple szell's it's wrong. of britain actually
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out of the states which is in the code and so we pay so much to the tune of around fifty million pounds a day just to be members of the student so you can see what counts the mega amounts of money the street tens of billions it costs those to comply with the utah taxes and regulations so it's bad and some of the british people it's something we know happy about you look at recent opinion polls eighty percent of people want a referendum so around sixty percent of people actually want to leave the european union altogether so the people are certainly moving away if the european union is a company that does on the chief executive role be in jail but it's not it's cruel to that's another reason why the british people want that referendum and want to leave. and it could be the you case fighter jets heard roaring around the skies of the persian gulf rumors are spreading fast and they deployed jets growing tension between israel and iran over tehran's nuclear program more on that in our website r t v. also along the way home online we've got the story
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of eleven women and held captive in a supermarket. as doctors round the globe sound the alarm against a rising in obesity and its dire health consequences maddox and canada have come up with a graphic idea of how to warn against the risks but one man's me is another man's poison as they say and the proposal is fast becoming a hot potato artist on board and explains. imagine you're about to bite into your pizza when you see this disease liver or perhaps you're taking a swig of your drink when this diseased foot catches your eye put off your food
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well that's just the effect some doctors in canada want frustrated with a growing epidemic of obesity the entire medical association have taken a leaf from their anti smoking contemporary's book and called for graphic labeling on fatty sugary and salty processed foods they say society must stop tiptoeing around health risks such as diabetes heart and liver disease which can arise from eating too much of certain foods what we want to do is we want to tax foods that are high in calories in the nutritional value and give tax breaks to healthy foods but as you might imagine the shock food tactics have been hard to swallow for those who make or enjoy eating but targeted products they think the labels are over the top and accuse doctors of demonizing certain products and food categories hearing bacco. every day beverage items nonsensical smoking tobacco products do not really have a balance in
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a healthy place that various food and beverage products which the ontario medical association would place label warnings on i can absolutely heart of a balance other proposals that have sparked controversy include labeling excessive salt sugar and fat as pathogens that is disease causing viruses and bacteria age limits for buying soft drinks and temporarily taking some obese children away from their parents william endl author of seeds of destruction says the doctors are right about the dangers of highly processed foods but that these labels will simply be ignored and any single cigarette smoker or. their cigarettes. they're obliged to label it i don't think that stock. the foods our engineer today in this post probably bored towards the foods are engineering today in many cases to be addicted to stimulate the pleasure center of the brain so until you forced by law to change
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that part of those who come you're not going to have. the oh and they also recommends higher taxes and marketing restrictions on junk food especially to children to stick suggests twenty six percent of canadian children aged five to seventeen overweight or obese now to other international news here in our t.v. hundreds have taken to the streets in the libyan city of benghazi pushing for greater autonomy for the region protestors are calling for the country's leadership to provide more authority in managing local affairs and give more access to state resources activists blame the government for the private benghazi of its high status after the uprising in two thousand and eleven which toppled the previous regime. one of the most important christian pilgrimage destinations and jerusalem has announced it's shutting its doors to the church of the whole with the public or built on a halo where believe or say jesus was crucified as protesting sudden demands to pay
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off its two million dollar water bill to the israeli state water authority it's appealing to the israeli government claiming the move undermines the sanctity of the site. and while big pharmaceutical companies spend a fortune developing medicines to cure the world's dangerous diseases they are products are often not affordable to people in developing countries and india however bio lab is currently working on a vaccine which could save thousands of lives and that's for the price of just a dollar i just reiterate or has more on that story. this is india's genome valley inside these quiet sterile labs there's a revolution taking place that could change the world's approach to public health and potentially save the lives of one hundred thousand indian children every year bharath biotech is an indian firm developing a one dollar vaccine against rotavirus
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a disease which causes diarrhea in france and is deadly in the developing world but i think also like a new generation of diplomats like us ok moneymaking is also important but them solving that life saving those life or going it doesn't show us also what it could become a new study shows india is leading the way in treating people in remote areas in battling diseases which are shunned by the big pharmaceutical companies because immunizations in the developed world have all but a blitter rated them dr krishna ella believes the big pharma companies haven't really dived into creating products for developing markets because they haven't had the financial incentive and that's why like many of his fellow indian entrepreneurs he decided to look into it himself there was a lot of the focus of this short our shareholders are good in mind but it was a value in research for one billion dollars on the product i mean to five billion dollars says there's nothing going. on with the i'm not going to be more focused on the negative this is because it's not
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a global importance india's leap into innovating for the under-served began when the country began complying with the global intellectual property law it forced them to stop making only cheap copies of existing drugs and branch out instead into new research and development creating vaccines isn't the only way to battle neglected diseases diagnostic tests are also key to identifying what the problem is this fabric chip is being developed here to cheer a lab in bangalore the idea is with just one drop of blood on the spot for me you could diagnose at home or in a doctor's office potentially reaching millions of people in this country who don't have access to proper health care dr done jiah done the koori. the brains behind the fabric chip believes that other more profit driven companies will start to take an interest once they realize just how big this market really is a volume just like the strips or the ones there's like millions or billions of this being sold no matter how cheap each one is and people who get interested maybe the
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price point a lot of mind to do more than that in the west but it's. making sense and a report into india's growing r. and d. capabilities says the country might not need the big power players to make an impact in india has that it was a man and to be able to do these sorts of things and focus on it is that important to this country and other developing countries taking matters into their own hands to save the lives of their countries people and not waiting for the big profit driven pharmaceutical companies to make the first play preassure either r t bangalore india. and coming up here on our t.v. it spotlights what al gore now don't go away. what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the iran
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tightrope pushing china and russia as occupying under spreads can two parties still dictate will there be. no selection of clothes guy every monday to november fifth on our take. if you. believe. me speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing stories
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for you here. in troy of the arabic to find out more visit arabic don't all teeth dot com. this international drugs on an international law we should not bomb iran to cut the budget and bring the troops home we should end the war in afghanistan. the persecutors a little closer and closer. let's repeal the
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patriot act. how i'm going to walk and. all the parts of. the today my guest is.


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